Ready to reawaken your inner Witch?

Do you lack confidence in your ability to make potent cannabis and CBD remedies at home, or in your ability to use cannabis medicine mindfully and intentionally?

Do you feel like there’s not enough magic in your life?

Do you want to work more deeply with the cannabis plant so that you can positively transform your body, mind, and spirit?

Maybe you’ve been working with CBD or Cannabis remedies, but aren’t 100% sure about their quality. And even if you are, you’re tired of paying exorbitant prices for your cannabis and hemp products because, let’s face it, that’s just not sustainable.

Maybe you’ve been feeling the desire to learn how to make your own potions at home, but are nervous to start experimenting because you don’t want to make any expensive mistakes.

But nevertheless, your inner Kitchen Witch is calling because you know intuitively that not only could this save you thousands of dollars, but also that the act of making herbal medicine is inherently transformative and healing.

Learn how to make your own potent Cannabis and Hemp remedies at home

There are so many reasons to master the art of making your own CBD and Cannabis remedies. Here’s just a few.

It’s a LOT cheaper

You can make your own products for a FRACTION of the price of store bought remedies. For example, the average bottle of CBD oil costs between $60-120 for 1000 mg. You could achieve a homemade oil with the same potency for about $15-25, even less if you are growing the flower yourself. Affordable high CBD flower for medicine making is available from more farms every year (many who provide mail order), and the cost will only continue to decline. High THC flower is similarly much cheaper than value-added products wherever legal retail or medical programs exist.

You’re in control of the quality

You can be sure of the quality of your product. No more weird additives, questionable ingredients or extraction processes, and having to rely on what the label says. When you make the medicine, YOU are in control of it every step of the way and can make it up to your standards. You can even make your edibles EXACTLY the way you want, with all the flavors you love and none of the ingredients you don’t like or can’t eat.

It’s FUN!

Making your own Cannabis medicine is fulfilling and empowering and way more interesting and fun than just walking into a store or dispensary and throwing your hard-earned cash down on the counter. Like brewing your own beer or kombucha, making your own ferments, or learning how to cook, making medicine is another creative DIY skill that is not only useful, but fun to learn and to share with others.

It’s a metaphor and a tool for magical transformation

When we become involved in the alchemical process of transforming raw flower into potent potions, we can’t help but be transformed ourselves. Not only do we become more empowered and sovereign as we awaken our inner witch, but each step in the process becomes a metaphor for how to enact change and evolution in any area of our lives. And not only that, but the finished product, when used mindfully and with intention, has the ability to catalyze massive changes in our inner and outer worlds.


Cannabis Alchemy

A 4-week Journey into
Masterful Medicine Making + Personal Transformation

I’m so excited to offer this 4-week deep dive into Cannabis medicine making, where we will journey into the art and science of cannabis medicine making, how to powerfully incorporate the plant into your life, and how to unlock your innate magical ability to create positive change.

In this online course I’ve brought together the basic chemistry of Cannabis with an understanding of the energetics and spiritual aspects of the plant, rooted in traditional herbalism and delivered with an emphasis on personal empowerment and holistic wellness.

Here’s how it works:

The course is self paced and will consist of four modules with video presentations, demos, and downloadable recipe cards.

It’s set up to be taken over four weeks, but if you fall behind, no worries. You’ll have lifetime access to the materials to visit and review at your own pace.

You’ll also gain access to a private Facebook group where you can get ALL your questions answered directly by me and connect with other like-minded witches and alchemists.

Week One

The Spirit of Cannabis and the Wisdom of Decarboxylation

  • Learn how various herbal traditions understood the energetics of Cannabis
  • Get to know the spirit of the Cannabis plant and what gifts it has to offer our body, mind, and spirit
  • Learn about the various chemical constituents in the Cannabis plant
  • Learn about why Cannabis can impact so many different aspects of our health by unpacking the Endocannabinoid System
  • Explore what is meant by the Entourage Effect and why whole plant extractions are superior
  • Understand what is meant by decarboxylation and learn how to do it effectively in your own home kitchen
  • Explore what the process of decarboxylation has to teach us about our own personal evolution and transformation
  • Learn where to source high quality hemp flower, no matter what state you’re in

Week Two

Making Infused Oils and Tinctures

  • Learn how to make an infused oil and an alcohol-based tincture from start to finish, using tools you likely already have at home
  • Watch demos of the infusion process so you’re crystal clear on how to do it
  • Learn about some of the best gadgets on the market today for up-leveling your infusions
  • Know which oils and alcohols to use for your infusions
  • Get downloadable recipe cards for everything you see being made, plus a few more
  • Learn how to estimate the potency of your finished infusions
  • Explore what the process of infusion has to teach us about how to magically conjure up the reality we want to be seeing in our lives

Week Three

Expand Your Entourage: Formulas, Edibles, + Topicals

  • Learn how to effectively formulate Cannabis with other herbs and ingredients, and why this makes for a much more potent remedy
  • Meet some of the other plant allies who like to play with the Cannabis plant
  • Watch a demo on how to recreate one of the oldest recorded Cannabis edibles, as well as how to make a luxurious topical cream
  • Get downloadable recipe cards for everything you see being made, as well as a few bonuses
  • Learn how edibles work differently in the body
  • Explore what the process of formulating and making these “next-level” remedies has to teach us about exponentially increasing our ability to manifest

Week Four

Expand Your Entourage: Mindful Cannabis Use + Next Steps

  • Learn 6 key strategies you need to know to mindfully and intentionally work with your finished remedies, including:

    • How to effectively dose your remedies (with access to a Dosing Guide and Tracking Journal to help you in the process), including the ins and outs of “microdosing.”

    • How to incorporate magic and ritual into your relationship with the plant.

    • How to boost your endocannabinoid system without using Cannabis

    • and more….

  • Get support creating action steps to carry you forward on your medicine making and transformational journey

By the end of the course you will feel empowered to:

  • kitchen-witch your own quality, homemade Cannabis medicine
  • work with your remedies mindfully and holistically for personal healing and transformation
  • tackle the places in your life where you feel stuck and sooo ready for change.

Ready to transform, and be transformed by, cannabis?
Commit today to connect with this powerful plant ally and with yourself.

Enroll Now for only


Hi, I'm Stephanie

I’m a clinical herbalist, Cannabis remedy maker, former dispensary kitchen witch, and botanical business coach.

I first met this plant around the same time I was encountering the world of magic, witchcraft, and earth-based spirituality, but for a number of reasons lost touch with both for a long time.

About 10 years ago, these parallel worlds came roaring back into my consciousness, and I decided to heed the call.

Over the years that I’ve worked with and deepened my relationship with this plant and many others, I’ve come to not only understand how to make potent potions using simple and traditional medicine making techniques, but also how it can facilitate profound inner and outer transformation when used with intention.

In other words, Cannabis and other herbs have helped me awaken my inner witch. And I know this is possible for you as well.

As a self-taught medicine maker, I’ve spent years pouring over the research, cookbooks, and online forums for good information. In doing so I had to sift through resources that either had a complete absence of scientific evidence to back up their recipes…

OR – on the flip side – were hyperfocused on the science and chemistry of the plant, at the expense of all of its other attributes: the energetic, the spiritual, the magical. This was missing, and it felt like a glaring omission for such a powerful plant ally.

So I created this course. To provide aspiring potion makers like you accurate information that is easy to understand, and that embraces ALL aspects of the plant and the medicine making process, not just its chemical constituents and reactions.

“I learned so much — and gained inspiration — for approaching my life in a slightly new way. For me, the level of sophistication that Stephanie brings to the table lends something very important to the subject.”

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“I had pretty high expectations coming in, but what I didn’t expect was the transformational part to be so profound and present.”

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“I loved how Stephanie weaved together the art, science, and spirit of the plant in all of her teachings.”

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“[This was a] wonderful introduction to this ancient medicinal approach. Stephanie did a fabulous job, and it was informative, accessible, and fun. It’s all very exciting to me and I am eager to get started.”

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“If anyone wants to know more about cannabis, or wants to make their own medicine, I would direct them here. I think anyone interested in cannabis could benefit from the information in this course and learn how to integrate the plant into healthy living and spirituality.” 

Enroll Now for only


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