Stephanie Boucher

5 Tips to Make Your Website More Compelling, Compliant, and Inclusive

5 Tips to Make Your Website More Compelling, Compliant, and Inclusive.

This post was originally published as a Monday Medicine Letter, my weekly dose of inspiration and education for plant-based entrepreneurs. I write these letters to help business owners like you grow flourishing businesses without selling out, burning out, or going it alone. Want in? You can subscribe here. Over the past month or so I’ve […]

5 Tips to Make Your Website More Compelling, Compliant, and Inclusive. Read More »

How to turn your marketing into magic (and what spells to avoid)

How to turn your marketing into MAGIC (and what spells to avoid)

I’ve been on a fiction kick this summer, and right now I’m smack in the middle of The Once and Future Witches by Alix E. Harrow. I won’t give any spoilers in case you want to read it (which you totally should, btw), but the book is essentially about reviving witchcraft, which according to the title characters involves

How to turn your marketing into MAGIC (and what spells to avoid) Read More »

Kathryn Holmberg

Member Spotlight: Kathryn Holmberg of Wild Way Botanicals

I recently sat down with Kathryn Holmberg, founder of Wild Way Botanicals  and member of the Greenhouse, to learn more about her work and her journey as an entrepreneur. Can you tell us a little bit about your business? I started Wild Way Botanicals in March 2020 and I’m located in Easthampton, Massachusetts, which is the traditional territory

Member Spotlight: Kathryn Holmberg of Wild Way Botanicals Read More »

"The Dangers of DIY" written against a background of plants with an image of a tattooed white woman in black and white next to it.

The Dangers of DIY: How the Narrative of Self-Sufficiency Harms Us, Our Herbal Businesses, and Our Customers

As herbalists, many of us can trace our roots to one form or another of the DIY (Do-It-Yourself) ethos. From learning how to can our own homegrown food and make our own medicine, to making collaged punk show flyers and photocopying zines, one belief holds much of the DIY culture together: that it is better

The Dangers of DIY: How the Narrative of Self-Sufficiency Harms Us, Our Herbal Businesses, and Our Customers Read More »

Member Spotlight: Caitlin Bernhard of Azalla Wellness + Education

I recently sat down with Caitlin Bernhard, founder of Azalla Wellness, co-founder of Azalla Education, and member of the Greenhouse, to learn more about her work and her journey as an entrepreneur. Can you tell us a little bit about your business? So I started Azalla wellness really to provide some liability coverage as an independent contractor working for

Member Spotlight: Caitlin Bernhard of Azalla Wellness + Education Read More »

Image of Lian Bruno, a young white woman with wavy brown hair, smiling and wearing a red dress with the sun behind her.

Member Spotlight: Lian Bruno of Puff Herbals

I recently sat down with Lian Bruno, founder of Puff Herbals and alumni of the Greenhouse, to learn more about her work and her journey as an entrepreneur. Here’s a transcript of our conversation. Stephanie: Can you tell us a little bit about your business, when you started it and where you’re located?  Lian: Yeah! My business is

Member Spotlight: Lian Bruno of Puff Herbals Read More »

Bodies at Work: Signs you’re ignoring your body in your business (and what to do about it)

Whether you make products, see clients, teach classes, run a farm, or do some other kind of work in your herbal business, you have a body. I know, Captain Obvious here. But even though it seems like a silly thing to say out loud, it’s something we often forget, even for folks like you who

Bodies at Work: Signs you’re ignoring your body in your business (and what to do about it) Read More »

An unconventional way to make CBD more accessible (and buying + selling more joyful)

In mid-January 2021, I began experimenting with a Pay-What-You-Can pricing model for both my business coaching and my product line. It was meant to be an experiment, for the duration of Aquarius season (so until mid-February). Sitting here in the increasing warmth of Pisces season, I’m here to report that it has been successful in

An unconventional way to make CBD more accessible (and buying + selling more joyful) Read More »

Which Cannabis Infusion Machine is Best? Comparing the Magical Butter, Nova, and Nova FX (Updated Oct 2021)

Disclosure: some of the links below are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I may earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. As a Cannabis medicine maker and educator, I get asked all the time about the various machines on the market designed to make your DIY Cannabis

Which Cannabis Infusion Machine is Best? Comparing the Magical Butter, Nova, and Nova FX (Updated Oct 2021) Read More »

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